Services Grief Counseling And Grief Therapy

Grief is a natural response to the death of a loved one and a necessary process for recovering from that loss. The grieving process helps us to accept the loss and integrate it into a revised way of understanding and relating to our world. However, sometimes the grieving process is not smooth. We encounter various emotional obstacles that interfere with that grieving process and we get stuck, unable to move forward.

  • Provide you with knowledge pertaining to the grieving process in order to provide a context for your personal grief experiences.
  • Enhance your insight into barriers to their personal grief recovery process.
  • Give your therapeutic tools for coping with loss and to continue moving forward in the grieving process.
  • If your grieving interferes with your relationships or daily responsibilities.
  • If you feel stuck and unable to move forward in the grieving process.
  • If you have been avoiding dealing with the loss.
  • If you are using unhealthy methods to cope with your grief (e.g., substance abuse, isolation, and withdrawal, self-injury, etc.).
  • If you have limited social support for assistance during the grieving process.
  • If you have been in the grieving process for more than three months and have made little progress or have experienced negative consequences as a result.

At Perspectives, we believe that you need not walk alone. This is especially true during the grieving process. We are here to help and support you during this difficult time.



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