
Services Experienced Christian Counseling

Much may be said in today’s world about what Christian Counseling… is or is not. Is it defined as counseling that’s provided to an individual or couple by a Counselor who is a Christian themselves? At Perspectives of Troy counseling centers we believe it to be the following.

Christian Counseling involves the establishment of a therapeutic relationship between the client(s) and the Christian Counselor. As the client, you will have first made it clear that you’re interested in having a third-Counselor in the room; and that person would of course be the Lord Himself. He would abide in the midst; as we understand His person to be the Holy Spirit described by Jesus Christ when He ministered to the world in person.

The Holy Spirit would be invited into the therapy room to offer comfort and insight into the issues that you are actively seeking counsel. No doubt, many different matters will arise as a result of the Spirit of God being in the room. This allows for an environment of love and safety to be established, so then you may become fully-transparent to pursue the presenting problems (as well as any hidden or forgotten scripts) that you may have encountered.

Trusted Counseling With Sound Biblical Doctrine

Your Christian Counselor has a working knowledge of the scriptures, principles and directives of God as recorded in the Scriptures. He or she may also incorporate any truths they’ve acquired through their training which may be helpful and useful to you or your family by way of therapeutic intervention.

All truth is God’s truth, and although the modern psychological concepts and interventions are considered theoretical in nature, we know as a fact that Scripture is inerrant and is profitable for correction and instruction. These important tools, all of them, in the hands of an experienced Christian Counselor and therapist can be used of God to meet the needs of any person like yourself that is actively seeking guidance and wanting of God’s many blessings.

At Perspectives of Troy counseling centers, we offer trusted and confidential Christian Counseling, and will carefully match you with the best Christian Counselor for your exact needs. Our experience as shown that when a prospective client earnestly seeks God’s face and favor that we are well equipped to provide sound biblical counsel that we believe God would approve.


Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!