Congratulations, you’ve made it out of an abusive relationship. You’ve overcome the biggest obstacle, and now you can enjoy a better quality of life. Part of this next chapter is rebuilding your self-esteem because chances are you’re not feeling too confident right...

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Michigan Teen Counseling: Improving Your Teen’s Body Image
Body image is the way we perceive ourselves when we look in the mirror. This is usually different than the way others see us because humans are naturally self-critical. Teenagers can be particularly judgmental about their bodies because of peer pressure, images in the...
Regaining Your Confidence After An Abusive Relationship
Being in an abusive relationship can take a tremendous toll on your self-esteem and self-worth. You may feel like you have nothing left to offer and that no one will ever love you again. The truth is that you have plenty of hope for the future. You just need a way to...
MI Self-Esteem Counseling: Top 10 Feel-Better New Year’s Resolutions (Part 2)
Continued from Part 1 5 – Spend More Time With People Who Make You Feel Good Surrounding yourself with positive, uplifting people is a big part of self-esteem counseling. As part of your New Year’s resolutions, make a goal to spend more time with the people who make...
MI Self-Esteem Counseling: Top 10 Feel-Better New Year’s Resolutions (Part 1)
While many New Year’s resolutions focus on personal improvements, we want to take a moment to appreciate the great features you already have. This is a crucial part of self-esteem counseling – understanding what you have to offer the world and celebrating it as much...
Top 10 Feel-Better New Year’s Resolutions: Part 2
This week, we’re finishing off our list of the top 10 feel-better New Year’s resolutions for 2015. Whether you’re fighting depression, coping with loss, or just looking to minimize your stress, this fun, and easy solutions will help you rebuild your smile from the...
Top 10 Feel-Better New Year’s Resolutions: Part 1
It’s a new year and a new opportunity to start feeling better about yourself once again. While most people spend the month of January finding ways to lose weight and cut back on smoking, you could spend it rebuilding your confidence and finding your inner happiness....
Understanding Your Self-Worth: Part 2
How To Build Self-Worth (Continued) This is a continuation from Part 1 of our self-worth discussion. Be Kind To Yourself Treat yourself just as well as you treat other people. There is nothing wrong with being a little selfish every now and then. In fact, taking care...
Understanding Your Self-Worh: tPart 1
For many of us, establishing and honoring our own self-worth is a difficult task. Believing in the value of yourself as a person is often confused with being selfish, which is why many people struggle to identify just how valuable they are to the world. In this...
How To Feel More Valued At Work: Self-Esteem Counseling MI
Do you feel undervalued and underappreciated at work? This can harm your self-esteem. You may not be able to control the way your boss treats you or the type of work you do, but you can change your perception of your environment. Here are some tips to help you feel...