A new research study in Pittsburgh suggests that children are more likely to show signs of bipolar disorder if they have one or more bipolar parents. This information could be vital in the early diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder, improving the lives of...

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Are You A Hoarder? Common Signs Of Hoarding Addiction
Hoarding addiction has gained massive attention over the last decade, thanks to popular shows like Hoarders and Hoarding: Buried Alive. People who were once thought to be packrats or simply “messy” are not seen as victims of a problematic addiction. This begs the...
The ABCs of OCD
These days, it’s common to hear Americans say “he is OCD.” We laugh and understand that the person is unrealistically particular or strict in his behavior. That’s funny and lighthearted, but the REAL meaning of OCD in a clinical sense is really NOT funny at all. Let’s...