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Attachment – the key for connection

Attachment – the key for connection

Do you ever wonder why we are doing the things we do in our relationships, whether they are working or not? Some people seem to know the secret to love and being loved, while others just can’t seem to find happiness in any relationship they encounter. As today’s...

Anger Management Tips For Parents: MI Teen Counseling

Anger Management Tips For Parents: MI Teen Counseling

Every stage of parenting comes with its own challenges. From the terrible twos to preteen drama, you’re in for a rollercoaster ride. Perhaps the most frustrating stage of all is the teenage years because your child is old enough and smart enough to argue on a whole...

Top FREE Holiday Family Bonding Activities In Michigan

Top FREE Holiday Family Bonding Activities In Michigan

Looking for a great way to bond with your family over the holidays? Michigan offers a slew of fun-filled adventures for people of all age ranges. Best of all, many of these events are completely free to attend, so you don’t have to spend money during a financially...

Troy Family Counseling: Reconnecting With Your Child After A Fight

Troy Family Counseling: Reconnecting With Your Child After A Fight

Parenting is tough. That’s not a secret. Children and parents do not always see eye-to-eye, regardless of how old they are. Having a fight with your child is natural, but it is important to reconnect with him or her once the argument is over. This helps strengthen...

At-Home ADHD Treatments For Children In Michigan

At-Home ADHD Treatments For Children In Michigan

ADHD treatment starts at home. Even if your child is prescribed medication for his or her ADHD, the environment you create at home will make a big difference in his or her progress and success. As part of our ADHD therapy programs in Michigan, we recommend lifestyle...

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!