By Diana Jennings, MS, LLP When you picture going to therapy, most people imagine “talk therapy”, sitting or lying on a couch, talking to a therapist who is seated across the room from them. But imagine you enter your therapist’s office one day and they say, “Today...

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Using CBT as an Effective Form of Autism Treatment for Children
Some of the biggest challenges for children with Autism include symptoms such as anger, anxiety, and meltdowns that can seem to come about without warning. These emotional symptoms while very real can be difficult to treat using standard treatment plans that focus...
Early Signs Of Autism: MI Autism Treatment
Autism is a condition that affects 1 in 68 children in Michigan and throughout the United States. There is no cure for the disorder at this time, but children who are diagnosed early on receive the most benefits from autism treatment. A child’s developing brain has...
Sesame Street Adds Autistic Character To Cast: MI Autism Treatment
One of the world’s most beloved children’s shows is adding a new character to the cast – a 4-year-old Muppet named Julia. What makes Julia so unique is the fact that she has autism, giving children a better understanding of what autism is and how people with the...
Does The Good Doctor Accurately Portray Autism? Autism Treatment MI
Autism awareness has grown considerably since television shows started adding autistic characters to the cast. Back in April, Sesame Street created a new puppet named Julia to help children understand autism spectrum disorder. Billy, the Blue Ranger in the new Power...
New Medications Being Tested to Treat Symptoms of Autism
Two new drugs targeting the main symptoms of autism have been bumped into the fast lane for testing and approval within the next year. While this is great news, because of the long and arduous process of getting new pharmaceutical drugs to market, it’s not likely that...