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Father Complex: The Psychology behind ‘Daddy Issues’

Father Complex: The Psychology behind ‘Daddy Issues’

‘Daddy issues’ is a phrase readily used in today’s society. It is often ascribed to women who date older men or struggle in some element of their relationships. But what are daddy issues, really? What is the psychology behind a father complex, and how can someone work...

Barbie: An Unexpected Spokesperson for Children’s Mental Health

Barbie: An Unexpected Spokesperson for Children’s Mental Health

Barbie once represented the “perfect” female figure, with unrealistic body proportions that made young girls hate what they saw in the mirror. Over the last decade though, Mattel has completely transformed Barbie’s image to showcase the beauty in all shapes and sizes....

Back To School

Back To School

As families are preparing to go back to school, we should remember the children and adolescents that live with mental health conditions. As a community, we may expect all children and adolescents to be excited about going back to school. However; for a growing number...

Is It a Bad Idea to Make Friends at Work?

Is It a Bad Idea to Make Friends at Work?

If you spend 40 hours a week, 50+ weeks a year with the same group of people, you’re bound to form bonds. For some, work is the only time they get to socialize with people outside of their family. This poses an important question: is it OK to make friends at work?...

Ten Practices for Authentic Living

Ten Practices for Authentic Living

Love and belonging give purpose to our lives. We often engage in fear-based behaviors to “try to fit in” or try to protect ourselves from losing the potential of love and belonging, but these behaviors end up separating us even more from feeling fulfilled, living...

Can’t Sleep? Try These 5 Tricks

Can’t Sleep? Try These 5 Tricks

A good night's sleep can turn a mediocre day into an amazing one. Your brain relies on that sleep time to sort through thoughts and emotions you may not have had time to process in the day. Less sleep means less processing time, which can lead to an assortment of...

Rebuilding Your Self-Esteem after an Abusive Relationship

Rebuilding Your Self-Esteem after an Abusive Relationship

Congratulations, you’ve made it out of an abusive relationship. You’ve overcome the biggest obstacle, and now you can enjoy a better quality of life. Part of this next chapter is rebuilding your self-esteem because chances are you’re not feeling too confident right...

5 Reasons You Should Like Your Therapist

5 Reasons You Should Like Your Therapist

Does it really matter what therapist I go to? Can I just see any therapist? The simple answer is no, you can’t. In order to have a good experience with therapy, you need to work with the right therapist. Here at Perspectives Counseling Centers, we believe it’s not...

How to Monitor Your Child’s Online Activity (Part 2)

How to Monitor Your Child’s Online Activity (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1 Watch Your Child’s Social Media Activity This is a topic that receives some controversy. Some parents believe it is important for children to have their privacy. This allows them to form independent opinions and feel a sense of responsibility....

How to Monitor Your Child’s Online Activity (Part 1)

How to Monitor Your Child’s Online Activity (Part 1)

Children are born with technology at their fingertips. They learn how to use computers, smartphones, and tablets at a very early age, preparing them for life in the modern world. This constant access to the internet comes with consequences though. Children may be...

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!