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Social Media Could End Marriage As We Know It

Social Media Could End Marriage As We Know It

Chioma is having troubles with her mother-in-law. I know because she made it headline news on her social media page. She does not share her concerns with the other party in the nuptial contract or with a trained counsellor, but with aliens on social media who are...

Growth Mindset in a Period of Stress

Growth Mindset in a Period of Stress

Welcome to the final weeks of 2020. Let’s ponder for a moment about our expectations for the year when it started, back in January. Perhaps we had some ideas, some to-do list items, or even some “resolutions”. Now we are approaching a new year on our calendar, when...

Breaking Tradition During the Holiday Season

Breaking Tradition During the Holiday Season

For many families, breaking tradition during the holiday season is inevitable – and a matter of necessity over time. Take the example of Debbie Bourgois of St. Clair County in Michigan. Her husband and two children spent holidays with her husband’s family for many...

Good Mental Health and COVID-19

Good Mental Health and COVID-19

Greetings and I hope this information finds you to be in the best of health as we all find ourselves continually challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are eight months in and all have had to make major lifestyle adjustments to stay safe such as testing, wearing a...

Parenting Guidelines: Supporting A Child After Teen Dating Violence

Parenting Guidelines: Supporting A Child After Teen Dating Violence

Dating violence can begin at an age that is early. You need to be mindful of the signs of teen dating violence, should they present themselves if you have a teen who has started to date. While certainly not in a position to avoid physical violence completely, you can...

Using CBT as an Effective Form of Autism Treatment for Children

Using CBT as an Effective Form of Autism Treatment for Children

Some of the biggest challenges for children with Autism include symptoms such as anger, anxiety, and meltdowns that can seem to come about without warning. These emotional symptoms while very real can be difficult to treat using standard treatment plans that focus...

5 Reasons to Get Marriage Counseling

5 Reasons to Get Marriage Counseling

Do we need marriage counseling? This is a question you may ask after a big fight or sudden revelation in your relationship. Most people assume that marriage counseling is only for people on the brink of divorce. That is not the case though. You can benefit from...

Sleep Deprivation: How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Sleep Deprivation: How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Sleep deprivation impacts your energy levels, memory retention, focus, attentiveness, and more. If you can achieve a consistent sleep routine, you will feel better in all areas of your life. What qualifies as sleep deprivation? How much sleep do you actually need?...

What Causes Depression?

What Causes Depression?

Depression is a complex condition that affects many walks of life. No matter what race, gender, social class, or religion you may be, you could be one of the 6.8 million American adults who suffer from depression. What causes depression, and what are the best...

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!