After a multicenter randomized sham-controlled trial of Deep TMS™ therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) demonstrated a 38% response rate that is sustained for at least four weeks the FDA granted a de novo clearance for the H7 Coil. In real-world clinical...

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Children and Exposure to Terror: The 3 Cs of Coping
This blog was jointly written by “The Older Dad,” Dr. Kevin D. Arnold, and by Ms. Theresa Gaser, MSSA, LISW-S of Trinity Family Counseling, Westerville, Ohio According to the VA, children who are exposed to higher amounts of TV coverage of a disaster develop more...
Respect Your Progress
By Helen Paulsen, LMSW An interesting phenomenon occurs when someone asks us about our goals or wishes for our future. As people, we are oriented to the vision of success at the end stage of that goal. We ponder completing a marathon, earning a degree, publishing a...
Our Authentic Selves? How Important is Finding Who We Are to The Core?
Written By Kristen Boike, MS, LPC, NCC A threat, safety, and sense of self are the cornerstone for feeling secure in this world. Every cell, of every species, and every individual of human existence has an invaluable necessity to recognize, understand, and learn from...
Kalamazoo psychologist, NY National Guardsman to reunite 20 years after 9/11
KALAMAZOO, Mich. (WOOD) — As we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11, Americans are observing it by remembering where they were and who they were with. A Kalamazoo man with New York roots decided to make sure his brethren in the Big Apple were not alone. Though time...
Cognitive Distortions: How They Influence the Way We Act and Feel
Cognitive Distortions were originated by Aaron Beck in the 1960’s. Cognitive distortions are irrational beliefs that influence feelings and behaviors. Below are common cognitive distortions: Catastrophizing: Thinking only the worst outcome of situations. Jumping to...
Are You Aware of Your Inner Critic
Are you aware of the power of negative thoughts and the havoc they wreak? One enlightenment for me is how easy it is to dwell on the negative. "The research found that the average person has between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, and of the thousands of thoughts,...
See Me! When You Are Invisible to Yourself
There is a television commercial that features actual patients who have psoriasis. The patients share the emotional pain they feel at being minimized by their disease. They do not feel as if they are actually being seen by others. They believe that all others see is...
Good Mental Health and COVID-19 – Part II
Greetings, I hope this information finds you to be in the best of health as we all find ourselves continually challenged by the COVID-19 virus. Now one year into the pandemic, we had to make some major lifestyle adjustments to stay safe such as testing, wearing a...
When Doing Leads to Stress – Just Be!
Hello! My name is Steven. How would you like to begin your session today? Counseling with me is not necessarily a time when you come to go over an agenda or to learn a set format of steps to fix a problem. Yes, therapy can be about that and goal setting (and we will...