Continued from Part 2 What To Say To Convince Someone To See A Counselor What works for your loved one may not work for someone else, so you will need to adjust your approach to fit your situation specifically. Here are some tips for what to say during your...

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How To Persuade Someone To Get Counseling: Part 2
Continued from Part 1 Choose The Right Time And Place For Your Approach Telling someone to get counseling can easily come across as an offensive statement, even if you have good intensions. Thus it is important for you to choose the right time and place for your...
How To Persuade Someone To Get Counseling: Part 1
If you have a friend or family member who needs professional counseling and therapy, it may be difficult to convince the person to seek the help they need. A large portion of the patients we work with at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers are referred to us by...
Want To Be Happy? Break These 5 Bad Habits
Do you remember what it was like to be happy? Perhaps it’s a distant memory for you by now. Happiness is a feeling we often take for granted until it seems too late to get it back. Believe it or not, you can regain your happiness again just by adjusting some bad...
Why We Use Client-Guided Therapy At Our Michigan Counseling Centers
Here at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan, we believe in the power of client-guided therapy. The client sets the pace for counseling, therapy, and treatment with the guidance of a mental health specialist. Rather than being told what to do and how to...
Is Your Relationship Picker Broken? Michigan Adult Counseling
Do you feel like you always end up with the wrong type of person? Just when you think you’ve found the perfect guy or girl, something happens to make you question your judgment abilities. There are several reasons why your “relationship picker” may not be acting in...