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Is Sex Addiction Real?

Is Sex Addiction Real?

Many people scoff at the idea of being “addicted to sex,” assuming that other people use that term as an excuse for promiscuity. This brings up an important question: Is sex addiction real? The short answer to that question is “yes,” but there is a great deal of...

Can Substance Abuse Cause Depression?

Can Substance Abuse Cause Depression?

Substance abuse and depression are often linked together, which brings up one major question – “Which comes first, the addiction or the depression?” This answer will vary from one person to the next, and the fact is that it’s not always easy to tell which one sparked...

Getting Help For Illicit Drug Use In Metro Detroit

Getting Help For Illicit Drug Use In Metro Detroit

Metro Detroit has a higher percentage of illicit drug users than Michigan and the United States as a whole. While this may be a disheartening statistic, the fact is that there are resources available to help drug users overcome their addictions and improve their lives...

Conquer Smoking Addiction Through Counseling

Conquer Smoking Addiction Through Counseling

Stop smoking – this is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions people set because they want to see a positive change in their lives. Whether you only smoke on occasion or you let smoking control your life, there are ways to fight the cravings and change your...

Warning Signs of Shopping Addiction

Warning Signs of Shopping Addiction

Men often joke about their wives being “shopaholics” with a constant need to spend money and find bargains. As funny as this may be from an outsider’s perspective, the fact is that shopping addiction is an actual condition that can lead to dangerous habits later on in...

Common Signs Of Hoarding Addiction: Part 2

Common Signs Of Hoarding Addiction: Part 2

Hoarding addiction is a growing problem in the modern world. Research suggests that as much as 5% of the world population displays some form of clinical hoarding/or what would be considered as an impairment. If you are worried that you may have hoarding tendencies,...

Tanning Addiction: It’s Real And It May Be Genetic

Tanning Addiction: It’s Real And It May Be Genetic

Most people do not consider tanning an addictive behavior, but rather an attempt to fit in with a society focused heavily on appearances. While there are some people who turn their skin orange in an effort to fit in, there are many people who suffer from a legitimate...

Menthol Increases Smoking Addiction And Nicotine Exposure

Menthol Increases Smoking Addiction And Nicotine Exposure

Many smokers turn to menthol cigarettes because they are lighter and theoretically better for the body, but a new study from Duke University and the University of Connecticut shows that menthol actually worsens smoking addiction and increases nicotine exposure over...

Processed Foods Are Just As Addicting As Hard Drugs

Processed Foods Are Just As Addicting As Hard Drugs

Obesity rates in America are at an all-time high. More than two-thirds of adults in this country are classified as overweight or obese. This growing phenomenon is partly due to an addiction to processed foods, like pizza, potato chips, hamburgers, and more. Now there...

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!