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The Art of Saying No: Empowering Your Mental Health

The Art of Saying No: Empowering Your Mental Health

In a world that often celebrates the hustle and the endless to-do lists, saying "no" can feel like a radical act. Yet, it's an essential skill for maintaining mental wellness. Whether it's turning down extra work tasks, declining invitations, or simply setting...

The Connection Between Physical and Mental Health

The Connection Between Physical and Mental Health

By Eric Nordquist, MA, LPC, NCC I often say in the counseling office, “Physical health is half of mental health” because it’s true and those who are not caring for themselves physically are more vulnerable to mental health problems like anxiety and depression. Certain...

Incorporating Faith into Counseling

Incorporating Faith into Counseling

By Dequindre Jernigan, MA, LPC Have you ever wondered if faith-based counseling was for you? Are there questions that have you on the fence and you’d like a little more information on what this is all about? Well, here is one perspective on how I engage in faith-based...

Prioritizing Balance

Prioritizing Balance

By Dequindre Jernigan, MA, LPC Oftentimes, we can become overwhelmed by the variety of life’s stressors. Trying to find a balance between family, friends, work, and self-care can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. In order to get the most out of your life and...

The Importance of Recognizing Strengths

The Importance of Recognizing Strengths

By Dequindre Jernigan, MA, LPC When you’re struggling with depression or negative thinking patterns, it can be hard focusing on positive things about yourself, such as your strengths. Low self-esteem is another factor that could make it a challenge. Part of...

5 Common Cognitive Distortions

5 Common Cognitive Distortions

By Dequindre Jernigan, MA, LPC You may already be familiar with cognitive distortions. You know, those little negative thoughts that influence our actions? No? Well, let's talk about it. We all have thought patterns, whether they're more negatively inclined or...

ADHD – What To Do About It By Dejan Jancevski, MA, LLP

ADHD – What To Do About It By Dejan Jancevski, MA, LLP

Introduction ADHD is one of the most common conditions affecting children and adults. ADHD symptoms can be challenging for people with the condition and their families, but there are effective treatments that can help reduce symptoms and improve functioning. ADHD is...

Life in the Therapy Room!

Life in the Therapy Room!

Existentialism. Now what is that, and how does that apply to therapy? Well…let’s start with the therapy part first. One major reason to see a therapist is to learn what may be the reason you or a loved one are struggling with something, be that called depression,...

Children and Exposure to Terror: The 3 Cs of Coping

Children and Exposure to Terror: The 3 Cs of Coping

This blog was jointly written by “The Older Dad,” Dr. Kevin D. Arnold, and by Ms. Theresa Gaser, MSSA, LISW-S of Trinity Family Counseling, Westerville, Ohio According to the VA, children who are exposed to higher amounts of TV coverage of a disaster develop more...

Respect Your Progress

Respect Your Progress

By Helen Paulsen, LMSW An interesting phenomenon occurs when someone asks us about our goals or wishes for our future. As people, we are oriented to the vision of success at the end stage of that goal. We ponder completing a marathon, earning a degree, publishing a...

Are You Aware of Your Inner Critic

Are You Aware of Your Inner Critic

Are you aware of the power of negative thoughts and the havoc they wreak? One enlightenment for me is how easy it is to dwell on the negative. "The research found that the average person has between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day, and of the thousands of thoughts,...

See Me! When You Are Invisible to Yourself

See Me! When You Are Invisible to Yourself

There is a television commercial that features actual patients who have psoriasis. The patients share the emotional pain they feel at being minimized by their disease. They do not feel as if they are actually being seen by others. They believe that all others see is...

Good Mental Health and COVID-19 – Part II

Good Mental Health and COVID-19 – Part II

Greetings, I hope this information finds you to be in the best of health as we all find ourselves continually challenged by the COVID-19 virus.  Now one year into the pandemic, we had to make some major lifestyle adjustments to stay safe such as testing, wearing a...

When Doing Leads to Stress – Just Be!

When Doing Leads to Stress – Just Be!

Hello! My name is Steven. How would you like to begin your session today? Counseling with me is not necessarily a time when you come to go over an agenda or to learn a set format of steps to fix a problem. Yes, therapy can be about that and goal setting (and we will...

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder

How to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you find yourself feeling a little sad, worried, and depressed every year at this time, you may have a cyclical disorder called Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Of course, this year’s cumulative effects of the pandemic and the accompanying isolation, illness and...

Are You Grieving?

Are You Grieving?

The Pandemic has sparked an enormous about of grief. We are living in a time of uncertainty. We have plunged into despair; many have suffered unexpected losses during this time. People are not only grieving but also dealing with guilt, regret, and shame. Many are...

Social Media Could End Marriage As We Know It

Social Media Could End Marriage As We Know It

Chioma is having troubles with her mother-in-law. I know because she made it headline news on her social media page. She does not share her concerns with the other party in the nuptial contract or with a trained counsellor, but with aliens on social media who are...

Growth Mindset in a Period of Stress

Growth Mindset in a Period of Stress

Welcome to the final weeks of 2020. Let’s ponder for a moment about our expectations for the year when it started, back in January. Perhaps we had some ideas, some to-do list items, or even some “resolutions”. Now we are approaching a new year on our calendar, when...

Breaking Tradition During the Holiday Season

Breaking Tradition During the Holiday Season

For many families, breaking tradition during the holiday season is inevitable – and a matter of necessity over time. Take the example of Debbie Bourgois of St. Clair County in Michigan. Her husband and two children spent holidays with her husband’s family for many...

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!