Good Mental Health and COVID-19 – Part II
Greetings, I hope this information finds you to be in the best of health as we all find ourselves continually challenged by the COVID-19 virus. Now one year into the pandemic, we had to make some major lifestyle adjustments to stay safe such as testing, wearing a...
When Doing Leads to Stress – Just Be!
Hello! My name is Steven. How would you like to begin your session today? Counseling with me is not necessarily a time when you come to go over an agenda or to learn a set format of steps to fix a problem. Yes, therapy can be about that and goal setting (and we will...
COVID-19 and mental health are a dual crisis 1 year into the pandemic in Michigan
Written by: Andrew Feather Read the original article on WWMT KALAMAZOO, Mich. — More than 600,000 people in Michigan have been infected and almost 16,000 people have died since Michigan reported its first two cases of COVID-19 March 10, 2020. While the visible impact...