
Is Addiction Therapy Really Necessary? MI Addiction Treatment Center

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Addicitions, Alcoholism, Children Counseling

Is Addiction Therapy Really Necessary? MI Addiction Treatment CenterIs it really necessary to go through therapy for addiction? Can’t I just quit on my own? We get this question a lot when people ask about addiction therapy in Michigan. The short answer is yes, therapy IS essential to addiction recovery. Here’s why…

Reversing Addictive Behaviors Is A Mental Process

In order to fight addiction, you can’t just stop the physical element. Yes, putting your cigarettes away for goodwill prevent you from smoking them, but that won’t stop the cravings. Eventually, the temptation will become overwhelming, and you may find yourself even more addicted than you ever were before. Therapy prevents that from happening.

With addiction counseling, you will learn how to stop cravings before they start and how to eliminate the root cause of your addiction. Are you drinking because you have severe depression? Do you turn to drugs to reduce stress in your life? Your therapist will help you uncover these answers and more so you don’t fall back into old habits.

You Need To Know What Might Trigger Your Addiction In The Future

No one wants to think about a relapse, but the fact is that it can happen. This is usually the result of an unexpected trigger that brings back old feelings or urges. For instance, you may drive through a neighborhood you used to get drugs from on your way to visit a family member. This doesn’t seem like a big deal until a flood of memories rushes into your mind.

Your addiction therapist will help you identify potential triggers before they happen so you can be prepared to face them.

Learn How To Cope Without Addictive Substances

Drugs, alcohol, sex, gambling – nearly all addictions start out as coping mechanisms. Something stressful happens in your life, and you find something to temporarily numb the pain. With addiction therapy, you can learn about more effective coping mechanisms that won’t hurt your body or your social interactions. There are plenty of solutions out there, and your counselor will find the best ones for you specifically.

Counseling Isn’t Just For You

The primary focus of addiction counseling is to help someone overcome addiction. That doesn’t mean you’re the only one that benefits from the process. If your addiction has hurt your relationship with friends or family members, counseling will help you mend those bridges and improve your quality of life. At Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan, we offer family counseling, couples counseling, and a range of other therapy programs so you can rebuild relationships in every area of your life. Contact us to schedule a confidential addiction counseling session.

Transitioning From High School to College - Teen Group
Join us beginning July 18 for a 6-week in-person group for teens focusing on providing them the necessary tools to succeed in college. Thursday afternoons from 2:00-3:00pm.