
What’s The Difference Between Substance Abuse And Substance Dependence?

by | Oct 7, 2020 | Addicitions, Alcoholism, All, Substance Abuse Counseling

What’s The Difference Between Substance Abuse And Substance Dependence?The terms substance abuse and substance dependence are often used interchangeably, but there are slight differences between the definitions. Neither condition is easy to overcome, but with substance abuse counseling and addiction therapy, you can learn to overcome your urges, fight long-term habits, and achieve a better quality of life. In this guide, we will explore the differences between substance abuse and substance dependence, as well as ways you can receive substance abuse treatment in Metro Detroit, Michigan.

Definition Of Substance Abuse vs. Substance Dependence

Substance abuse is defined as an increased desire for drugs, alcohol, or other substances that could cause potential harm to the body. Substance dependence is a physical need for a specific substance. In other words, substance abuse leads to substance dependence. As a person continues to use drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism, he or she eventually develops a dependence on that substance.

Both substance abuse and substance dependence can have a major impact on a person’s life. The growing addiction can harm a person’s ability to function at work and in social settings. The effects of the drugs and alcohol may also affect a person’s ability to perform basic tasks, like driving, staying on schedule, keeping up with personal hygiene, and maintaining an organized environment. Whether you suffer from substance abuse or substance dependence, you can benefit from professional therapy like the treatment programs we offer at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Metro Detroit.

Warning Signs Of Substance Abuse And Substance Dependence

Substance abuse and substance dependence have similar warning signs. The signs of substance dependence maybe a little more apparent than those of substance abuse simply because of the difference in severity. Some of the most common indicators of substance abuse and dependence include:

  • Lack of focus or an inability to pay attention to details
  • Incoherent speech or talking about irrelevant subjects
  • Social withdrawal or sudden changes in social behaviors (going out to the bar frequently, not going out at all, etc.)
  • Sleeping at random moments in the day, including at work or school
  • Declining grades or productivity at work
  • Slurred speech
  • Rapid weight loss or weight gain
  • Changes in sexual desires or behaviors
  • Loss of energy and increased fatigue
  • Physical or emotional aggression and irritability
  • Dilated or pinned pupils
  • Heart palpitations, seizures, vomiting, sweating, headaches, and sinus problems
  • Flush cheeks or redness around the mouth and nose
  • Decreased personal hygiene, including physical care (bathing, brushing hair, brushing teeth) and environmental care (clean house, car, or office)

Even if these symptoms are not present, you may be able to notice substance abuse in yourself or someone you know just by monitoring changes in behaviors. Occasional drug use alcohol consumption can quickly lead to addiction, and that addiction can turn into dependence. If possible, try to take care of the substance abuse at the first signs so you can avoid the hardship of breaking a long-term habit or dependency.

How To Get Substance Abuse Treatment In Metro Detroit, MI

If you or someone you know is in need of substance abuse treatment in Metro Detroit, MI, Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers has more than 30 counselors and therapists available to assist you. Each of our mental health and addiction counseling professionals specializes in a unique area of the field, so you will always receive top-quality care personalized to fit your needs. Our counseling sessions are confidential and completely judgment-free, so you can speak out about your struggles and experiences. We want to help you achieve the productive, successful life you deserve because we truly care about your well-being.

Don’t let substance abuse control your life. Contact (248) 244-8644 to schedule an appointment with an addiction counselor in Metro Detroit, MI.

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