
8 Signs You Need Michigan Anxiety Therapy

by | Oct 7, 2020 | All, Anxiety

8 Signs You Need Michigan Anxiety TherapyAnxiety is a feeling we all face from time to time. Going in for a job interview, speaking in front of a class, walking into a crowded stadium – all of these situations can cause a person to feel jittery, nervous, and overwhelmed. How can you tell the difference between these feelings and an actual anxiety disorder? When do you know that you need help? To help you better understand your feelings, we’ve listed eight signs you need Michigan anxiety therapy. These should give you a good idea of whether or not professional help is the right step for you.

Excessive Worrying

This is perhaps the most iconic separation between general anxiety and an anxiety disorder. With an anxiety disorder, the feeling of fear or worry will become overwhelming, to the point that it may interrupt daily activities. From insomnia to loss of appetite to an inability to go to work, the excessive worrying becomes an obstacle, not just a passive feeling. It is entirely normal to feel worried about a stressful event or situation, but that worry should not consume your life. If you feel like you can no longer escape the thoughts in your head, it may be time to talk to someone about anxiety treatment.

Trouble Sleeping

Do you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep? That may have something to do with anxiety. There are many potential causes of sleep problems, from sleep apnea to depression and beyond. However, if you find yourself staying up late or tossing and turning because of specific thoughts or fears (financial stress, family conflicts, upcoming deadlines, etc.), you may have an anxiety disorder. This can also be said about people who struggle to sleep because their mind is constantly racing. Waking up in a panic is often a symptom of a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Digestive Issues

Stress and anxiety may start in the brain, but they can also trigger physical reactions. For some patients, this comes in the form of indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, or other digestive irregularities. In this case, the digestive troubles may worsen when the stress and anxiety worsen. If you have had stomach aches, cramping, gas, bloating, or any of the other symptoms mentioned above on a persistent basis, you may consider working with an anxiety therapist to get relief for your symptoms.

Flashbacks Or Triggered Memories

Experiencing flashbacks is a common result of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This is a form of anxiety that develops after a traumatic incident, like being in combat or a car accident. Memories of the traumatic event may come flooding into your mind from a specific trigger, such as the sound of fireworks or seeing a similar event on television. For other people, PTSD flashbacks can come about any time the person feels stressed, overwhelmed, or out of place. Whether you’re dealing with PTSD or some other form of anxiety, you can work with a therapist to conquer these flashbacks and prevent them from taking over your life.


Compulsive mindsets are common among anxiety disorders. Most people have heard of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which can cause a person to undergo rituals or perform certain behaviors that may not always seem logical or necessary. For instance, a person may feel a compulsion to have every object on a table in a specific place, or he may feel the need to check the door lock multiple times before leaving the house. Not following through with these compulsions can lead to heavy anxiety, but the compulsions themselves can also start to take control over a person’s life.

To understand the difference between compulsions and habits, think about something that you do ritualistically. Would not follow through with that ritual send you into a panic? For example, if you chose to turn the volume on 33 for your television but normally put it on an even number, would the fact that it stayed at 33 drive you crazy or just annoy you? If it’s the former, it may be time for you to speak with one of our anxiety counselors in Michigan.


If you have a social anxiety disorder, you may feel self-conscious when interacting with other people. This may happen in large crowds or small gatherings, especially if you do not know anyone in the room. A patient may become worried that people are staring at him or her, which could lead to blushing, sweating, shaking, or complete panic attacks. Whether your self-consciousness is due to anxiety or low self-esteem, the counselors here at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers can work with you to overcome these feelings and feel confident in public.

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are a surefire sign that you need Michigan anxiety therapy. These experiences can be downright terrifying, with symptoms similar to a heart attack. Shortness of breath, dizziness, racing thoughts, fast or heavy heartbeats – what you might feel if a bear was chasing after you in the woods. People who have panic attacks may go through these feelings once a month, once a week, or multiple times a day, depending on the severity of their anxiety.

The good news is that with anxiety therapy, you can discover the root causes and triggers of these panic attacks so you can avoid them in the future. You can also learn about warning signs of oncoming panic attacks so you can suppress them or get through them faster.

The Fact That You’re Reading This…

The fact that you’re reading this indicates that you have probably experienced some of the situations listed above. Even if your anxiety hasn’t been described here, you should talk to a counselor or therapist if it is starting to take control of your life. You do not have to feel trapped by anxious feelings. With the right tools and techniques, you can get through difficult situations and enjoy a much better quality of life. Contact Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers today at (248) 244-8644 to schedule an appointment with one of our anxiety therapists in Michigan.

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