
5 Reasons to Get Marriage Counseling

by | Oct 8, 2020 | All, Couples Counseling, Marriage Counseling

5 Reasons to Get Marriage CounselingDo we need marriage counseling? This is a question you may ask after a big fight or sudden revelation in your relationship. Most people assume that marriage counseling is only for people on the brink of divorce. That is not the case though. You can benefit from marriage counseling at any stage of your marriage, even if you are on good terms.

Here are some reasons to seek marriage counseling, courtesy of Perspectives Counseling Centers.

You Repeatedly Have the Same Arguments

If you feel like your arguments recirculate time and time again, you may consider marriage counseling. Circular arguments usually come from two sources: the inability to bring closure to past arguments and ineffective communication strategies. With marriage counseling, you can finally put an end to ongoing disputes, and you can learn how to prevent new ones in the future.

You Feel an Imbalance of Responsibilities

Does your relationship feel one-sided? This is also something you can resolve through marriage counseling. There are many ways to create balance in a household. You and your spouse can come up with a way to ease the burden both of you feel. This applies to household and financial responsibilities. Your marriage counselor will be there to guide you every step of the way.

You Have a Hard Time Expressing Your Emotions

Some couples have a hard time getting through to one another. You may feel like you’re expressing yourself clearly, but your spouse does not fully understand your feelings and emotions. Couples counseling will teach you how to communicate with one another in a way that fits both your needs. You can learn to be more vulnerable and expressive, and you can gain insight into your spouse’s perspective.

You Have Gone Through a Traumatic Event

Trauma, in all forms, can be challenging for couples to overcome. Going through a traumatic event changes a person, so you must adapt to the changes you each have gone through. If you experienced the loss of a loved one, the loss of a pregnancy, a major financial loss, a severe car accident, or any other traumatic event, consider going through marriage counseling. You can overcome this, and best of all, you can do it together.

Something Feels “Off”

We hear this all the time in marriage counseling. “I don’t know what’s wrong, but something just feels off.” Maybe there is a distance in your relationship that wasn’t there before. Perhaps the stress of work, raising children, or managing a household has dampened your once vibrant spirit. Through marriage counseling, you can find the source of the issue and come up with a plan to overcome it.

Perspectives Counseling Centers offers marriage counseling in Michigan. We have multiple locations to serve you, and they all have licensed marriage counselors on staff. If you and your spouse are interested in couples therapy, give us a call at (248) 244-8644.

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