
Treatments For Anxiety Disorder

by | Oct 7, 2020 | All, Anxiety

Treatments For Anxiety DisorderAnxiety disorders are considered the most common illness in the United States, affecting 18% of the adult population. Despite the high prevalence of this condition, only one-third of people suffering from anxiety ever receive treatment. Whether you have recently been diagnosed with anxiety or you have started to experience some of the signs of anxiety disorders, there are a number of treatment options available for you. In the guide below, we will discuss different treatments for anxiety disorder and how they can help you get to a better quality of life.

Different Types Of Anxiety Disorders

In order to determine how to treat anxiety disorder, a professional must first determine what type of anxiety disorder you have. Some patients suffer from more than one form of anxiety, depression, or other mental condition, while others may only need treatment for a single disorder. Common forms of anxiety and depression include:

  • Social Anxiety Disorder: Affects 15 million U.S. adults
  • General Anxiety Disorder: Affects 6.8 million U.S adults
  • Panic Disorder: Affects 6 million U.S. adults
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Affects 7.7 million U.S. adults
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Affects 2.2 million U.S. adults
  • Personal Phobias: Affects 19 million U.S. adults

The statistics above are courtesy of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

The goal in any anxiety diagnosis is to determine what the cause of the condition is. Do you suffer from anxiety because of abuse as a child, or are you experiencing a chemical imbalance in your body? Did you recently go through a traumatic experience, or has your anxiety been triggered by a health condition? Answering these questions will help your counselor, therapist, or doctor determine what the best form of anxiety treatment is for you.

Anxiety Disorder Treatment Through Therapy

Many patients can learn to control their anxiety disorder symptoms through counseling and therapy. The goal here is to determine what triggers the onset of anxiety and what can be done to eliminate or minimize those triggers moving forward. Some patients respond well to breathing exercises or mental strategizing, while others learn how to reevaluate the events going on in their environment so they feel less anxious from day today.

Anxiety therapy may be coupled with other forms of counseling and therapy, such as depression therapy, child counseling, OCD counseling, and more. Every patient has different circumstances leading to their anxiety, so your counseling needs may be entirely different than someone else’s. Here at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers, we work closely with each of our patients to ensure they get the best possible care for their unique situation. When you’re matched with a counselor who specializes in anxiety treatment, you can learn the tools and solutions you need to get through your emotional struggles.

Anxiety Disorder Treatment Through Medication

In certain instances, anxiety therapy and counseling are not enough to suppress a patient’s anxiety. After completing a mental evaluation, a doctor may determine that a patient needs to be prescribed anxiety medication instead. The ADAA reports that Americans spend more than $42 billion a year on anxiety treatments, but much of that cost is because the symptoms of anxiety mimic other illnesses. Patients must seek out repeated medical care in order to get proper treatment for their disorders.

There are many different types of anxiety medications on the market. Some are designed to sustain a person’s anxiety consistently throughout the day, while others are made to treat an oncoming panic attack or anxiety attack. Many prescription anxiety medications are highly addictive, which is why you must go through a thorough evaluation in a counseling center or mental health facility to determine if medication is right for you. Your specialist will be able to figure out the best course of action for your personality and overall health.

Anxiety Counseling vs. Anxiety Medication – What’s The Best Treatment Option?

Ideally, every patient should try working through their anxiety symptoms with counseling before reverting to anxiety medication. Learning how to control these symptoms and learning how to recognize the triggers for them will help you avoid relying on medication for the rest of your life. Anxiety counseling is safer and often more affordable than anxiety medication, but there are still some patients who require medicine to treat their condition.

In order to figure out the best anxiety treatment for you, work with a mental health expert to better understand your current condition. With proper guidance and evaluation, you will be on track toward a better quality of life.

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