Getting into an addiction recovery program is a solid step in the right direction. This shows that you are committed to your treatment and you want a better life for yourself. The changes won’t happen overnight though. There may come a time when you question just how effective the program really is.
Here are some signs your addiction recovery is working to encourage you to continue your progress.
You Get More Done In The Day
As you progress through your addiction treatment, your productivity levels will naturally increase. The time you used to spend smoking, doing drugs or drinking can be filled with work around the house, your hobbies, tasks at your job, etc. It may take a little time to notice this at first because your mind will still be focused on the addiction. Continue with the program, and you will get much more accomplished during the day.
You Become More Social
Addictive behaviors can be social experiences, but the quality of your social interactions will below. For instance, you may be drinking in a room full of people, but your addiction keeps you isolated from group activities. That’s assuming you are coherent enough to know what’s going on. Through addiction recovery, you will become more social and have a better quality of personal experiences. You may develop a new set of friends or get in touch with people you drifted away from during your addiction. The more you surround yourself with positive influences, the faster you can conquer your addiction.
You Feel Less Anxious
People with addictions tend to have high anxiety levels. This could result from a number of circumstances – being worried about people judging you, being afraid that you’ll be caught in possession of illegal substances, feeling a constant need to smoke or drink, and the list goes on. Without the weight of addiction on your shoulders, you will start to feel less stressed. What you once thought was helping you deal with stress is actually holding you back from a stress-free life. Continue to strive toward your goals, and your anxiety symptoms will decrease simultaneously.
You Sleep Better At Night
Some addictive substances may make you drowsy, but that doesn’t mean they help you sleep. If you feel constantly fatigued, it’s probably because your addiction is keeping you from a good night’s rest. With addiction recovery, you will sleep better and wake up feeling more energized. This will further reduce your anxiety and keep your spirits high throughout the day.
You Have Extra Money
If you spend just a little bit of money each time you buy drugs, go to the bar, visit the casino, or the like, you may not realize just how much you’re spending each month. For instance, a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day spends an average of $8,500 a year on his or her addiction. Whether you’re tapering off your addiction or completely free from it, you will start to notice more money in your bank account or wallet. This is money that could go toward bills, food, clothing, savings, or future vacations. The longer you remain addiction-free, the more extra money you’ll have on hand.
You Feel Healthier And Happier
Can you remember the last day that you truly felt good, healthy, and happy? One of the biggest side effects of any addiction is the negative mindset after high. You do whatever it takes to feel that rush of dopamine, only to find yourself disappointed in your own decisions. On top of that, you will feel physically drained from the addiction taking control of your body. That all changes as you complete your treatment program. Depending on what you’re addicted to, you may go through withdrawals for a brief period of time at the beginning of your recovery program. After that though, you’ll feel much healthier and full of life.
Embrace this new chapter in your life – the one you’ve wanted to start for so long. The addiction therapists at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan are here to guide you every step of the way.