Anxiety disorder comes in many forms, which is why it may go undiagnosed for a long time. An array of symptoms can all be classified as “anxiety,” even though they may not be labeled as “anxiety disorder.” Here at our Michigan counseling centers, we treat several types of anxiety disorders through counseling and therapy. Listed below are some of the most common forms of anxiety, along with the symptoms you might experience in each of them.
NOTE: You can get anxiety treatment for ANY of the anxiety disorders listed below. You don’t have to fight your feelings alone. Contact Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers at (248) 244-8644 to schedule an appointment with our anxiety therapists in Michigan.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder is a condition characterized by consistent anxiety on a day to day basis. GAD may take on the symptoms of multiple types of anxiety disorder listed below. For instance, a person with GAD may feel anxious when in large crowds, when faced with multiple tasks to complete at once, when asked too many questions, when spoken to in a rapid manner, etc. The anxiety is more intense than what would be considered “normal anxiety,” to the point that it interferes with the person’s life, activities, and relationships.
Social Anxiety
Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, involves a fear of being in public or completing certain tasks in public. The most common form of social anxiety is agoraphobia or a fear of crowds. In this case, a person will feel claustrophobic and overwhelmed when in large groups of people, like in a packed movie theater or restaurant. Other forms of social anxiety include public speaking, eating in public, speaking to people at work, or interacting in unfamiliar social environments (a party). Social anxiety can also relate to posting information online through social media, though that is typically a way for people with social anxiety to maintain communication with their friends and family members.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder covers a wide range of behaviors and rituals. As a whole, this condition is marked by the need to complete tasks in a specific order or a specific number of times. For example, a person with OCD may have a compulsion to wash his or her hands three times before eating and three times after eating. This person may turn the light off and on five times before leaving the house and check the door six times to see if it is locked.
Many of these rituals may seem odd or unwarranted, but they reduce feelings of anxiety. A person with OCD may feel that bad consequences may come from not completing the ritual, even if there are no prior experiences to indicate that would happen. Most people associate OCD with cleanliness, but the compulsions do not always manifest themselves through cleaning.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the most common forms of anxiety. It can result from any traumatic experience, from being in combat to witnessing a fatal car accident. People with PTSD may have flashbacks of the traumatic event, or they may have nightmares related to it. This makes it difficult for them to relax because they are constantly trying to avoid those bad memories. PTSD episodes may be triggered by specific situations (fireworks sounding like gunshots), or they may come about when the person feels stressed in general (thinking about bills or responsibilities).
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder occurs when a person goes through persistent panic attacks. Panic attacks usually involve shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, racing thoughts, chest pain, and increased heartbeat. The person experiencing a panic attack may feel like he or she is having a heart attack because the symptoms come on so suddenly. The fear of having a panic attack may spark another panic attack, and the cycle continues from there. When the attacks or fear of attacks happen consistently for one month or more, a person is considered to have panic disorder.
Phobias are types of anxiety triggered by specific fears. For instance, someone with claustrophobia gets anxiety from being in tight spaces (elevators, crowded rooms, small hallways, etc.). Someone with arachnophobia has a fear of spiders. While many people are able to deal with their phobias on a daily basis, some have phobias strong enough to prevent them from completing basic functions. A person who fears driving may have a difficult time getting around, and a person who fears crowds may not be able to work in a field with heavy foot traffic. Through anxiety counseling, you can learn to overcome these fears and make the anxious feelings subside so you can get through the day with greater ease.
How To Get Anxiety Treatment In Michigan
If you or someone you know has one of the anxiety disorders above, there is help available to you. With more than 30 therapists, psychiatrists and counselors on staff, Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Metro Detroit, MI offers counseling solutions for nearly every obstacle you may encounter. Our anxiety therapists are here to help you discover the root causes of your anxiety and learn ways to combat anxious feelings in the future. We also offer depression therapy, family and marriage counseling, psychological testing, and much more. Contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our mental health experts, and we will be more than happy to assist you.