
Understanding Your Self-Worth: Part 2

by | Oct 6, 2020 | Self Esteem

Understanding Your Self-WorthHow To Build Self-Worth (Continued)

This is a continuation from Part 1 of our self-worth discussion.

Be Kind To Yourself

Treat yourself just as well as you treat other people. There is nothing wrong with being a little selfish every now and then. In fact, taking care of yourself will make you better prepared to take care of other people in your life. Practice self-compassion, even if it makes you feel like you’re thinking about yourself too much. That may be just what you need to build your self-worth and realize the true value you provide to the world.

Build A Strong Support System

Having good people around you will naturally make you feel better about yourself. Surround yourself with friends and family members who make you feel important loved and appreciated. If you have people in your life that constantly bring you down, consider distancing yourself from them, or confront them about the feelings you have. If that person is your spouse, you may opt for couples counseling to help you through your struggles.

Talk To A Counselor

Sometimes, you just need someone else to tell you how special you are. That is not what individual counseling is designed to do, but it will help you figure out what is causing you to de-value yourself as a person. Your counselor can help you come up with a plan to increase your self-worth and self-esteem at the same time so you can move forward with a better quality of life. Feel free to contact us here at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers to learn more about the counseling services available to you.

At The End Of The Day, Do This For You

Building your self-worth is not about making yourself a better person for someone else, nor is it about letting others see how valuable you are. This is purely meant to make you reevaluate how you feel about yourself – no one else. Stop trying to impress other people in your life or compare yourself to those you look up to. Focus on what makes you a great person and what sets you apart from the crowd.

If struggles from the past have led you to have a low sense of self-worth, talk to a counselor so you can move forward with your life. You are a good person with a great life to lead. You simply have to open your eyes to that.

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!