
Ease The Grieving Process: Part 2

by | Oct 6, 2020 | All, Grief Counseling

Ease The Grieving Process: Part 2Continued from Part 1

Taking Time To Process Your Grief

Shortly after the death, you may not have time to properly get through the grieving process. You will have to focus your energy on handling the last-minute affairs and making sure other people know about the loss. Nevertheless, it’s important that you at least give yourself a day or two to straighten out your emotions. It may take months or even years to move on from the loss, but you at least need to grieve long enough to put yourself together so you can handle the logistics of funeral planning. After this process is complete, you can take time to fully process your emotions.

Speak To A Grief Counselor

Once the funeral or memorial service is complete, you can work with a grief counselor to understand and process your emotions. This person will explain some different techniques you can use to get through the grief so it does not impact your day to day life. For instance, you may need to put your emotions aside during the day so you can complete your work. Then you can use your time at home to reflect on the loss and the wonderful memories you had with your loved one.

Your grief counselor will be a key part of your support system, providing you with unbiased advice about the circumstances you’re facing. Use this as an opportunity to move into the next stage in your life as smoothly as possible.

Seek Support From Friends And Family

Your grief counselor is not the only person you can look to for support during this difficult time. You could speak to friends and family members about the emotions you are experiencing. This is especially beneficial if you work with people who also knew the lost loved one. They are likely going through the same feelings that you are going through, so you will know you are not alone. The more support you have through this process, the easier it will be to get through it.

Face Your Emotions And Then Move Forward

Ignoring your emotions will not do you any good, but neither will dwelling on them. It is difficult to balance the need to grieve and the need to move forward, but that is where your grief counselor or therapist can assist you. Completing each step of the process in a timely manner will allow you to establish closure and still maintain a good quality of life.

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!