
Why We Use Client-Guided Therapy At Our Michigan Counseling Centers

by | Oct 5, 2020 | Adult Counseling

Why We Use Client-Guided Therapy At Our Michigan Counseling CentersHere at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan, we believe in the power of client-guided therapy. The client sets the pace for counseling, therapy, and treatment with the guidance of a mental health specialist. Rather than being told what to do and how to do it, we believe in helping our patients set their own goals. Let’s take a look at the benefits of client-guided therapy so you can determine if it is right for you.

You’re More Likely To Take Action When You’re In Control

Think back to when you were five years old and your parents tried to tell you to clean your room. Rather than saying, “Sure!” you probably said, “Five more minutes!” That five minute wasn’t just so you could enjoy playing a little longer. It was because you wanted to be in control. You wanted to clean your room on your time, not when your parents asked you to.

Adults have this same mentality, even if it is completely subconscious. At work, you’re much more likely to complete a task if you come up with the idea in the first place. If your boss tells you what to do, you may roll your eyes or sigh before charging ahead.

Client-guided therapy taps into this mindset. If you’re the one setting goals for your progress, you are more likely to follow through with them. Use the power of your own motivation to improve your life and accelerate your progress.

You Still Have Support From Your Counselor

Client-guided therapy is not an independent therapy. You still have a counselor by your side to help you set your goals. For instance, if you come to our Michigan counseling center for eating disorder treatment, your counselor will help you set measurable goals for recovery: eat XX more food per day, throw up XX fewer times per week, only look in the mirror XX times, etc.

If the goals you propose aren’t ideal, your counselor will suggest a better option for you. This will happen if your goals are too enthusiastic or insufficient for progress. If you set goals that are too high, you will feel discouraged when you do not reach them. If they are too low, you may not see much progress at all. Your counselor will be there every step of the way to establish a healthy balance.

You Will Naturally Want To Do Better

Humans are competitive. It’s part of our survival instincts. If you set goals for yourself, you will feel inclined to exceed them. If someone else sets your counseling goals, you may only complete the minimum requirements to fulfill them. We want you to propel through your therapy program so you can enjoy a better quality of life. Having you take the reigns is the best way to do that.

To learn more about client-guided therapy and what it can do for you, contact Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan.

Coming Soon: A new look and feel to your patient telehealth experience!