
Overcoming Depression After Job Loss: MI Depression Counseling

by | Oct 5, 2020 | All, Depression

Overcoming Depression After Job Loss: MI Depression CounselingJob loss can be very overwhelming. It’s as if your chair has been pulled out from under you, and then you get smacked in the face with a bat. Not only do you have to worry about income loss, but you also have to think about your future job pursuits.

All of this stress can quickly cause depression. If you have suffered from depression before, you may be even more at risk of depression after a job loss. This guide will help you overcome these feelings so you can get back on your feet.

Take A Few Days To Recoup

It’s important to get back into the workforce, but you also need to take a few days to process your emotions. Give your mind a chance to work out everything that has gone on so you can come up with a clear plan of action. You may spend a few days with friends and family members, people who remind you just how strong your support system is. From there, you can start healing and preparing for your next job.

File For Unemployment, If Applicable

It may take a few weeks for unemployment benefits to kick in. If you qualify for unemployment, you will want to file for it right away. You may be lucky enough to get a job before unemployment takes effect, but if not, you will be thankful for that extra income during your work search.

Update Your Resume And Reflect On Your Accomplishments

This is the perfect time to update your resume. Make sure all of the contact information on there is up to date, and highlight any new skills you learned from your previous job. Thinking about your old job may not be pleasant, but this gives you a chance to look back on your accomplishments. Feel proud of the work you’ve done, and accentuate your skills on your resume. Your future employer will take notice of that.

Set Daily Goals For Yourself

It’s easy to fall into “lazy” habits after a job loss. You may feel like you have endless free time and thus you never get anything accomplished. If you have depression, this complacency will make your depression symptoms worse.

Set daily goals for yourself in regards to the number of job applications you fill out or the amount of time you spend out of the house (walking, looking for jobs, hanging out with friends, etc.). Stick to those goals just like you would goals at work. This will keep you in a productive mindset, which will make it easy for you to transition back into the workforce.

Get Help For Your Depression

If you want to speak to a professional about your depression, the depression counselors at Perspectives Of Troy Counseling Centers in Michigan are happy to help. We have specialists in many areas of depression counseling, including grief counseling, anxiety counseling, phobia counseling, and more. We will pair you with the best depression counselor for your needs so you can get to a better place in life.

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